Thursday, October 15, 2015

August - 2015

Let's take a look at August...lots (and lots) of photos from this fun month!

2 sleeping babies. 

Elle knows she is two and can hold up two fingers when you ask her her age. 

She still has her imaginary friends "Bink" and "Boke".  I hear her throughout the day telling them things that I have told her.  If she gets in a timeout for something, odds are Boke will do the exact same thing that day and get the same talk I gave her. 

"You're my sweetheart"

and you're mine sweet girl.

Breakfast in bed courtesy of daddy. 

In August this sweet girl started making her Christmas list.  I even overheard her ask Siri on my iPhone to bring her a Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. 

She loves Buzz and will often ask to be referred to as Buzz during the day. 

This girl can fall asleep anywhere!

Nothing I love more than seeing these 2 playing together. 

She loves playing Eric's guitar.

One day Elle was dressed in her Doc McStuffins coat and was playing doctor with Oliver.  She was checking his knee and said "that's his heart beeping"  I asked how his toes look and she said, "so great...they are stinky though."

Oliver is wanting Elle's computer.  This was the first time he has shown interest in wanting something she has. 

Someone had a cupcake after dinner!

Bathtime mohizzy's!

Reading books before bed. 

Girlfriend loves to bake...mainly because she gets to lick the bowl. 

Mary and I took Elle and Henry to see Inside Out one night.  

Elle was so excited to see this cut out for the new Hotel Transylvania movie.

Two best buddies ready to sit quietly and watch the movie. #yeahright

Half way through the movie the fire alarms went off and everyone was evacuated so we never got to see the end of the movie!  The part we did see was really cute though. 

Lazy mornings at MawMaw's

One night Eric had a baseball game on (fairly certain it wasn't the Cardinals but I could be wrong).  I asked Elle to hand me the remote so I could change the channel because this show is yucky, she said, "No it's not, it's ball.  Ball isn't yucky."

Before Henry started preschool Mary, Mom and I took Henry out for breakfast and some school shopping.

Here he is at breakfast opening a present from MawMaw. 

He wanted to ride with Chay Chay after breakfast.

How is this sweet boy already in preschool?!!?

We went shopping for everything he needed for his soccer team.  He was happy to model for us!

MawMaw also bought Elle a new pair of soccer shorts.  She was so excited for her surprise when I got home. 

Entertaining Ollie by jumping off the fireplace. 

The minor league baseball team by us had Mizzou night at the stadium.  They had a contest for the best dressed Mizzou fan, the winner won 2 tickets to the Mizzou home opener football game. 

Ollie wasn't feeling the greatest so I stayed home with him while Eric and Elle went to the game.  I had my girl all dressed and ready to win that contest!

I think Ollie was just craving some one on one mama time because he seemed to be feeling much better once they left. ;)

Meeting one of the Mizzou Golden Girls at the baseball game. 

With her good buddy Ruffy Rascal. 

Eric somehow didn't manage to take any pics of the contest but she WON!! Each contestant had to stand on the dugout and the crowd cheered for who they thought should win.  I hate that I missed seeing this little sweet pea standing on the dugout by herself as they announced her name and the crowd cheered for little Eleanor Hylton. 

Lazy summer mornings. 

These little sleeping cheeks get millions and millions of kisses. 

Showing me her muscles.  I asked her where she got her muscles and she told me she got them at the grocery store. 

She needs a couch on top of the couch.  Anything to keep those puppy dogs away from her snacks. 

Just enjoying some shirtless jumping. This sweet boy is all smiles and is so so ticklish!! Especially on his neck and belly. 

In august he started sitting up by himself but would tip over quite a bit still. 

Photo courtesy of Eleanor. :)

Eric walked away for one second and came back to Ollie boy passed out. I think he has the same gene Elle has when it comes to falling asleep anywhere. 

Elle put her lovey on her should like pawpaw.

Me riding solo with all 4 crazy babies while Mary was at the doctor.

Elle had been asking to watch this movie because of the pink cover and puppy dog on the front.  It took a lot of convincing before she believed me that she wouldn't like it. 

My sweet, sweet boy. 

I absolutely adore baby toes. 

All dressed to go to my friend Katie's sons 1st birthday.  Ollie just wasn't in the mood. 

Headed to mom and dad's to celebrate their birthday.  Elle picked her shoes and bracelet and asked that I do her hair like Elsa's.  She walked as slow as a snail in these little heels. 

Cuddles with the birthday girl!

After the b-day celebrations Elle and I headed to my friend Keri's bridal shower. 

And Henry headed to his preschool orientation!

Someone was pretty pumped when her new soccer socks came in the mail. 

I love Elle's face in this picture!

Out for snow cones with her new umbrella from vacation. 

Trying mum-mum's for the first time.  Ollie was in love!

But really not happy with sissy for trying to help!

Henry's first day of preschool.  I asked Eric to drive to their house with that balloon and card with some ice cream money the night before.  I wanted Hens to wake up to a fun surprise!

Just a typical dance party at MawMaw & PawPaw's house!  The Voss boys always end up taking their clothes off. 

Oliver moved to the big boy duck bathtub this month.  It's also great for making sure he doesn't tip over in the living room!

This girl can fall asleep anywhere!

All 4 babies at MawMaw and PawPaw's!

Could he be any cuter, I don't think so. ;)

Mary and I took the babes to the firestation for family movie night.  They were playing Home. Elle loves watching movies so she did really good.  Bear was a little wild man trying to crawl on anything and everything! 

Waiting outside with daddy while mommy and sissy run in Target.

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