Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mother's Day

This year I got to enjoy my first Mother's Day with Eleanor.  Technically I was with her last year for Mother's Day but I enjoyed having her in my arms this year. :)

We celebrated by going to brunch at Ameristar with the family, it was a really fun day celebrating all the mom's.  Especially the world's best mom and Grammy...Mama Rita!!

Mary and I tried desperately to get a good picture together with the babes...they just weren't having it!

Henry was hilarious at brunch, watching him try his first ice cream cone was so entertaining...the cone ended up being thrown on Mary. :)

Henry eventually got bored with us and decided to peep in on the tables in the adjacent dining room. :)

Elle Belle was just hanging out watching the Henry Show!

After brunch, Dad, Will and Eric headed out for their fishing trip so Elle and I spent the rest of the day with Mama Rita.

It was such a fun day of celebrating my amazing mom and the fact that I get to be a mommy to this special little girl.  The day I found out I was pregnant I was in love...my first ultrasound seeing Elle move around I was hooked for life.  I always knew I would love this little girl to the moon and back but I could never imagine just how much.  She is my whole world and I am so very lucky that I get to be her mommy.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 months

Warning, this post is picture overload!!

Eleanor is officially 5 months!  I keep telling Eric how much I love this age, I'm trying to savor every minute of it.  How did my sweet pea get so close to being half a year old?

5 Months:
Weight: 16.4
Switches toys from hand to hand
Rolls from belly to back & back to belly
Tried peas
Loves standing
Loves playing in her Jeep
Watches Vito & Hermann
Grabs my hair all the time
Lots of talking and happy screaming
Always wants someone in the backseat with her in the car
Favorite toy: a soft garden book from Grammy
Still not sure on eye color, maybe green?