Wednesday, March 2, 2016


My baby boy turned one February 20th. I feel like it was just yesterday that he was born but also that he has been a part of our family forever. There are not enough words to describe how incredibly sweet my Oliver Russell is.  He is just a little love bug and totally has his Mama, Daddy and Sissy wrapped around his finger. He will forever be my littlest and this Mama loves his more than words. 

I remember at our ultrasound to find out if we were having a boy or girl sitting in the waiting room and being certain it was a boy.  Once we were in the room and I learned that was indeed what we were having I couldn't believe it...even though I already was certain that's what we were having.  I couldn't imagine our home with cars, trucks and boy toys.  We were currently living in a pink princess world.  Obviously now I can't imagine it any other way. Ollie has completed our family and I am so so thankful I get to be his mommy.  

My last night with a baby boy before he turned one. I was so ready for him to turn one to stop buying formula and using bottles but was DREADING my baby boy not being my little baby.  Well he will ALWAYS and FOREVER be my baby (Mama's boy for life) but you know what I mean. 

Sidenote: my babies are not fans of sleeping in their beds alone. So they are either in bed with me or I'm in bed with them.  In this case it was me, Elle and Ollie in Elle's room. Eric and I are convinced that they will sleep in each other's rooms constantly growing up. 

Ready to celebrate my birthday baby!

Elle got Oliver the shark blanket she is holding.  The opening of the blanket is the sharks mouth. 

He loves the Minions movies and was excited to open this. 

He immediately wanted to show me. :)

Eric bought him a Mizzou duck call. 

An Ollie immediately got the hang of it!! Eric was beaming!!

Oliver would blow it and start laughing, he thought it was hilarious!

Sissy was all about helping him open his presents!

Annnnd he's back to blowing the duck call.
(and Elle is covering her ears in the back)

My baby boy!!

After his pictures he knocked the chalkboard over and sat on it.  I feel the same way, Ollie!  So glad these monthly photos are over!!! I love looking back on them but dreaded actually doing them.  It only takes minutes to do it but still not super fun to write the chalkboard, get Ollie to sit still and keep Elle out of the picture long enough to get a good one. 

After opening all of his toys he decided the box was the most fun to play with. 

Until Eric finished putting together his car!  Look out, Doodles on the road!

That night we met everyone at Pantera's for pizza. The service was terrible but the company was good. Mimi almost went full Mary Pat on them for the 1 and a half hour wait for their appetizer and pizza so it was entertainment for everyone. ;)

Some fun things about our birthday boy. 

Weighs 20lbs (10-25th percentile)
28 in (10th percentile)
Has 2 bottom teeth and a top tooth that is so close to poking through
We hold him until he falls asleep and then lay him in his crib, sometimes he wakes right back up and We start the process all over
Almost every night he is in bed with us by morning
He loves spaghetti, pizza, turkey sausage, chocolate, puffs
He likes blueberries, apples, broccoli, sweet potatoes, applesauce
He eats almost every dinner I make
He wipes all the food off his tray when he is done eating
He loves the dishwasher, every time it is opened he immediately comes over to help
He loves throwing a ball and chasing it, his basketball hoop and playing with blocks
Minions and Toy Story can easily hold his attention on TV
Loves to play peek a boo

So easy to make him smile and laugh...has been ever since he was 1 month old
Will give kisses
Waves bye bye
Puts his little finger to his mouth and says "shhhh!"
Yells "op" (stop) at the dogs when they bark
Loves bath time
Hates being told no, he either drops his head and starts crying or gets furious and starts screaming
Not super nice to the dogs, lots of trying to pull tails and messing with them...I try to keep them Separate as much as possible
Has taken steps for Eric and my mom but I have yet to see any :(
Still loves his binkie
Have the hardest time keeping shoes on his feet
Loves to be held

I am so head over heels in love with this boy.  

I love you Oliver Russell, to the moon and back a hundred times. 

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