Thursday, February 25, 2016

Oliver Russell - 11 months

My sweet baby boy turned 1 this past weekend. I absolutely can't believe how fast this year went by!  I have a bit of OCD so instead of writing about his fun party and how we celebrated our birthday boy I'm going back to share his 11 month pictures...because even the thought of doing it out of order gives me anxiety. 

These pictures were a bit rushed.  I was pretty late on taking them, Ollie wasn't really in the mood and I was trying to sneak them in before Elle knew what we were up to.  Because if she knows she wants a sticker as well, but a new one...not the sticker Ollie wore once he is done.  She wants to take pictures, if she can't find her camera heaven help me.  Girlfriend is a great helper but we were circling on nap time and things can go south pretty quickly around that time. ;)  So I scribbled some things on a chalkboard, got some smiles out of the sweetest boy around and called it a day.

My Ollie boy.

Oliver is into everything!  Crawling on the fireplace...check! Grabbing for an possible breakables...check! Pulling puppy dog tails...check! Being so sweet I could just eat him up...check! check! check!

He is starting to get really angry when you tell him no to something.  He either drops his head and starts crying or screams in anger.  Eric says I baby him because with either reaction I scoop him up for a hug. :)

Ollie loves to stand and walk behind toys, he took his first steps a couple weeks before turning 1 but steps after that have been few and far between. 

He is a pretty good eater, a bit picky but not terrible.  The only fruits we can get him to eat are apples, pineapple and blueberries.  Spaghetti is a favorite, he looooves spaghetti! Must be those Italian genes. 

Oliver still loves bath time and having water poured on his head.  He loves throwing a ball and crawling after it. He loves playing peek a boo and destroying castles Elle and build with blocks.

I had to call poison control one morning.  Elle was coloring at the kitchen table, he was playing on the floor and I was doing the dishes.  An uncapped marker rolled off the table without me noticing and he picked it up, scribbled on the floor and then put it in his mouth. When I noticed his little face was covered with brown marker. Fortunately it was completely harmless. Little stinker!

My sweet doodle!

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