Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Life Lately

I'm overdue for a life lately post, so this one is overflowing with pictures of my babies. :).

I ordered these flower cookies from the bakery that did Elle's birthday cake.  We gave them to all her friends at the party as they left.  She loved them!

Elle got a new Elsa dress from MawMaw and PawPaw for her birthday.  She accidentally knocked over some of our Christmas cards and she told me she froze them with her ice powers.

Crazy Uncle E!

Ollie boy isn't sure who to root for. :)

If Elle falls asleep in the car her nap for the day is ruined.  Even if she falls asleep as we are pulling into the driveway I can't get her back to sleep once inside.  So if I want her to have a decent nap Ollie and I entertain ourselves in the car while girlfriend sleeps. 

Oliver loved ripping the bows off everyone's presents before Christmas.  He made it his personal mission to ruin every bow I placed on a gift. 

Unc and Aunt Paige weren't able to come to Elle's birthday party so they came over the next day to hang with the birthday girl. She loved seeing them and had so much fun painting with Aunt Paige and crawling all over her Unc. 

Testing out her new mermaid blanket from MiMi. 

And she looooves her new shoes from MawMaw and PawPaw.  She calls them her Dora shoes even though there is no sign of Dora on them. :)

So that was some of Elle's birthday goodies. The girl was seriously spoiled!

Here she is wearing her Christmas gift from Ollie. 
One serious cowgirl!

How big does my sweet boy look on his cool new ride from MawMaw and PawPaw?!

She got these headphones from Will and Paige for Christmas and she loves them!  I let her watch a movie on her iPad while I watch The Bachelor on Monday nights. Mom of the year!

I put off going to the grocery store all day so around 5 I finally decided to go. Knowing my two would be hungry and therefore grumpy I had the brilliant (in my mind) idea to stop and buy a happy meal for them to share while I did my shopping. 

Smoothest trip to the grocery store to date. 

The queen of play dough!

Elsa dress and magic Elsa gloves.  Lookout, she will ice you!

Our New Years Eve was super low key.  We went to the Voss house, ate appetizers, the babies played, the guys smoked cigars and we left around 10:30.  I was 7 months pregnant last year and still stayed up until midnight but this year I was sound asleep by 11:30. #lame

My baby boy loves playing peek-a-boo with these curtains.  It is the cutest thing ever!

He looks so much older all of the sudden.  I can't believe my baby is almost 1!!!

One night Mary, Mom, Paige and I went out for dinner, margaritas and some shopping.  I came home with matching robes for Elle and I and she was so excited!

Brushing Buzz'a teeth before bed!

This boy.  He loves the dishwasher, I am always so afraid he is going to loose his grip and take a tumble!

Ollie is all about pointing at stuff right now.  He usually grunts while he is doing it like he is trying to tell us something. 

Our big girl. :)

My two babes love visits to the library!  

Elle got brand new car seats for both mine and Eric's car and Ollie is now out of his pumpkin seat and in the car seats she was previously using. Eric is so done buying new car seats!

One of Elle's favorite things about my work is my "phone with a string".  PawPaw brought her one home from his work and she loves calling Henry, Bink, Boke, Jesus...everyone!

He has mastered standing, time for this babe to take his first steps!  I think we are really close!

Elle and I decided to have a slumber party in the living room one night.  We popped popcorn, watched a movie and camped out on the floor.  Mary, Will and I used to do this all the time when we were little. Hopefully this is something that Elle and Oliver will loving doing together too. 

Apparently Hermann thought he was invited to the party. :)

We woke up to our yard covered in snow.  Elle was so excited to go outside and play. 

Oliver doesn't have a snowsuit so I just bundles him up with several layers and ended with his little Truman Tiger costume my parents got him when he was born. 

Oliver lasted long enough for my to sled down the hill once with Elle before I took him inside.  Eric stayed outside with Elle and Ollie and I headed in to make grilled cheese and hot chocolate for lunch. 

My family. :)

Elle has always been so good with pens and markers.  I never had to worry if a pen was left out because she never ever misused them. 

I got this picture from Eric when I was at work one day.  Girlfriend went to town with a black marker!

Ollie loves blowing bubbles with his mouth.  He has also started using his hand to make silly noises with his mouth. 

Our entertainment at lunch one day.  This started out as an accident and she held on as long as she could.  Laughter turned into whimpers before I was able to help her down. 

Just wrecking havoc on sissy's book shelves. :)

Elle and I went out to do some grocery shopping and a trip to Starbucks...just us girls. The other day she told me she wanted a sister.  When I told her I would need to be pregnant again and then we would have another baby and I would have two little girlfriends she immediately decided she did NOT want a sister. haha 

The custest little cook around. 

I think I have mentioned before Elle's fear of mice.  Well Cinderella has completely changed that!  She still thinks there are "scary mice" out in the world but now she also thinks some mice are nice.  Here she is holding her two mouse friends.  I believe their names are Chimp Chimp and Angie.  The things this girl comes up with!

Hen had a slumber party at our house one Friday night.  I picked him and Elle up from my mom's house after work and we headed to QT because Elle had a request for slushies.  Hen had a request for taco's so we headed to Taco Bell for dinner.  Super healthy night. Once we were home they painted letters for their room then just ran wild. :)

Doodles wasn't quite sure what to think of them. 

I could just kiss her little face off!!!

Helping me decorate for Valentine's day.  Notice the princess dress.  She rotates pretty evenly between being a princess, Elsa or Buzz.  If she is Buzz Oliver is Woody, I am Jessie and Eric is "the other Buzz". In Two Story 2 (her favorite of the trilogy)  there are 2 Buzz's.   She stays in character too, we can be strolling through Target and she will only refer to me as Jessie. 

Elle and I went to Target just the two of us.  She had to stop to try on these Cinderella shoes. She's hoping the Easter Bunny brings them. 

One Sunday we went to Costco and Homegoods.  As we were in the car driving home Elle told me she had to go potty.  This is huge for her!  So we stopped at a Bread Co. and got a snack. She has been doing SO much better about using the potty since this day. There are still accidents and I still remind her to go 90% of the time but she is getting there!

Snowball fight at MawMaw & PawPaw's house!

This sweet boy was all ready to leave when the snowball fight started.  He just waited patiently with the door open enjoying the breeze. We had snow on the ground still but the weather was amazing!

A stomach bug hit our house the next day.  Elle was the only one to catch it and it lasted less than 12 hours but it was a rough 12 hours.   After her afternoon nap she sat up and asked for pizza.  She was hungry and ready for her favorite food! Baby wants, baby gets. 

Oliver felt fine (thank God) but he didn't make taking care of my girl very easy. This boy is everywhere!  As a baby I don't think Elle ever touched these shelves...with Oliver almost everything has been removed from the bottom 2 shelves because he little hands love to grab anything and everything. 

Our diaper delivery came the day she was sick and she was so excited to color in the box.  Notice Ollie trying to grab the marker while she isn't looking. 

That's life lately!  Yesterday Elle went on a tour of a preschool she will be going to in August and today Eric took her registration paperwork in to officially sign her up. I need a Xanax. :)

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