Thursday, February 5, 2015

January 2015

January is usually one of those months that seems to drag on slowly...but not this time!  With baby brother making his debut soon the month flew by.

Sleeping in her big girl room.  She is looking at the iPad in this picture, when did she become a little teenager?!

Mary, Henry and Charlie came over one Saturday night with tons of boy baby clothes to go through.  We ordered dinner and Elle showed off all her new toys from Santa.

Eric got a mini drone for Christmas and he has had fun flying it around the house.  Elle loves it but sometimes when he gets it out and starts flying it Elle will say, "Daddy, no!  Shhh, my baby's sleeping!"  She is referring to one of her 500 dolls or stuffed animals.

Giving brother one of his checkup's

My big girl trying pomegranate for the first time.  She liked them, but that could be because I told her they are fruit snacks. :)  Her legs look so long in these pictures!!

We have had some really nice weather this month which means weekends at the park!  Elle loves going to the park and normally cries when it's time to leave.  My germa-phobe nature is rubbing off on her though.  They were a few slides she wouldn't go down because they were dirty looking.

She loved climbing this little rock wall and sitting at the top.

My girl :)

One night we met Mary, Henry and Charlie at the Rec-Plex for some swimming.  I used to come here a lot to swim with friends in middle school so it felt so funny bringing the kiddos here.

Bear was a complete water baby!!  Mary would walk him under the little waterfalls and he would just smile has water was splashing in his face.  Elle tends to scream and run if she walks by the waterfall. :)  Henry was the first to proclaim he was done with swimming, since he hates his clothes being wet he striped naked in the pool area before Mary was able to get him back in the locker room to change.  We were dying laughing, this boy is so comfortable with no clothes on!

On Sunday's Elle and I usually head to the grocery store.  She wanted to bring her purse (the little Coach purse mom and dad gave her for her 1st Christmas) with her money (a quarter and a nickle) to pay for our groceries.  Anytime we would get near the checkout lanes she would immediately start asking for her purse.  She was so worried she would miss out on paying.  When we were checking out she got out her coins to pay, she was very shy but it was so adorable!!

Loves to tie her lovey around her neck like a scarf...

Eric, Elle and I went to see Paddington one night in the theater.  Eric picked her up at my mom's and got her set up with popcorn and pretzels at the theater and I met them there after work.  Elle really liked the movie and it managed to hold her attention the whole time.  Although now she asks to watch it at home, having a hard time explaining it's only at the theaters.

This big girl loves to brush her teeth.  In order for her to let me brush them first I pretend like I'm the dentist.  I come in the bathroom and say "Hi, I'm the dentist, what's your name?" then ask her to open her mouth, say cheese, etc.  She plays along every time.

We had a surprise baby sprinkle day thrown by Mary and Mom one Saturday, it was so much fun.  I want to write all about that in a separate post.

Elle loves going in my closet and trying on necklaces.  She wanted to wear this one to Target. :)  She still is so proud of the bracelets she picked out for me for Christmas.  She always says "Mama, I got you bracelets!" then gives me a big hug.  She then will say "Daddy said, no Eleanor!".  I guess when they were shopping she was touching everything and daddy telling her "no" really didn't sit well with her. :)

Sunday morning breakfast date with my little love bug.

Mary and Nick got Elle this Frozen karaoke machine for Christmas so we can have "Let It Go" concerts.

Popcorn and Curious George movie afternoon.

New slippers from MawMaw & PawPaw

Elle loves "swimming" in the bathtub in our room.  When it comes time to wet her hair I've finally taught her to throw her head back and close her eyes.  She make this expression every single time and holds it the entire time I'm pouring water on her head.

Last Saturday I had to work an expo for my work, Eric had to work as well so Elle went to MiMi's house for the day.  I was able to get off and meet them just in time for ice cream with Anna and Elsa from Frozen.  Elle and Henry were both pretty shy...but Hens fell in love with Elsa.  He now says she is his girlfriend. ;)

February should be a fun/crazy/exciting month.  Hard to believe this is my last monthly recap with Elle being an only child. :)

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