Friday, April 27, 2018


I'm overdue for a long post full of pictures. I love having these here to look back on and it's extra security on backing up pictures sooooo here we go!

Headed out to dinner with these two sweet little faces. I can't remember but my guess is we were headed to Texas Roadhouse because that is Elle's favorite!!

Ashlyn and Elle had a slumber party in our room one Friday night. 

This sweet little boy loves to squeeze behind me on the couch and wrap his arms and legs around me to give me a biiiig hug and I LOVE it!!

Playing our favorite game...princess cupcakes.

And while I play this is going on behind me. :)

Ollie is obsessed with puzzles and is really amazing at putting them together by himself. 

A trip to the library is high on our list of fun things to do...

and so is the trampoline park. This might be Oliver's most favorite place to go. 

My goodness I love this sweet boy!

We took the kids to Disney on Ice one Saturday and were able to sit in my company's suite. The kids loved the show but may have loved the unlimited popcorn and pretzels more.

Ariel and Buzz Lightyear!

After the show we headed to Anthonino's for lunch where Ollie dove right into the toasted ravioli. This kid is obsessed.

My peeps. :)

Elle always asks if she can push her own cart at Schnucks. About 90% of the time I say "no" (due to meltdowns, walking too slow, not paying attention to where she's going, etc.) but every once in awhile if it's just the two of us I say yes and she is SO EXCITED.


For the Super Bowl Ollie had his Uncy and his cupcake and he was a happy boy!

Oliver doesn't sleep with stuffed animals at all. It is always some random toy or figurine. This night it was Buzz Lightyear.

Trying out Daddy's hockey gear. 

We went to Henry's hockey draft one night and loved cheering for him as he was drafted to his team!
Also, happy to report the Hylton and Voss family went out to dinner after this and had a nice, peaceful dinner. Fluke? Are the kids just growing up? Were they overly tired? Who knows but we will take it!

Baking heart shaped brownies for Valentine's Day.

Olympic Opening Ceremonies party!
I hope our kids grow up loving to watch the Olympics like Eric and I do. 

Lining up all his army guys. This reminded me so much of baby Will!

I could just smother this little Buzz Lightyear in thousands of kisses!

Elle was at school one Monday and I found Oliver quietly playing in her room with all her baby doll food. Something she does not allow when she is home!

The Voss crew had a Monday off school so we headed to the trampoline park.

And the kids LOVED this hurricane simulator.

We found out Elle is allergic to penicillin which was NO fun but going to daddy's work for lunch and to pick up her prescription put a bright spot on a scary day.

Our little Valentine's celebration consisted of new pj's, Imo's and gifts!

The weather was just right for a zoo day. We packed a lunch, strolled the zoo and when it was time to ride the carousel Oliver decided he was terrified and settled for riding on the bench instead.

My beautiful girl is getting so big!
She did her hair herself this day.

An afternoon movie in their fort. 

I bought these pants and this top for Elle to wear around Christmas...she was not a fan of them AT ALL and refused to ever wear them.  One day I told her to go put on something that we don't care if it gets ruined (we were getting ready to paint) and she walked out wearing this. Little stinker. I couldn't stop laughing!

Playing guitar with daddy.

Elle is growing her hair out and I've been working on my braiding skills. Some days are better than others but we are getting there!

All ready for spring pictures.
We went to Target the day before to pick out a new outfit and we both agreed on this one. Sissy has BIG opinions on her clothes and I LOVE the look she settled on. 

Just some Thursday evening bird watching. :)

So to say Sissy is spoiled is a huge understatement.
This was dropped off to her by PawPaw for the Mizzou game. Shakespears pizza and chocolate cake. She is one LUCKY little girl!!

Setting up our leprechaun trap, we tried our hardest but he got away again this year!

Ready to head to MawMaw and PawPaw's for corned beef and cabbage.

This was a PawPaw pile up!

My baby boy. :)

Elle got this really neat emoji jewelry making kit for her b-day or Christmas (I can't remember, too close together!). You trace and color and emoji onto a plastic ring then bake it to shrink and harden it. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved watching them shrink in the oven!

Playing me a song before bed. 

Sissy made us "lunch for dinner" one night (she loves doing this!) and served it to us like she was a waitress. :)

The days PawPaw picks Elle up from school are her favorite and it might have something to do with the extra hot fudge sundae they stop to get. :)

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