Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ollie Russ

I wanted to do a post all about my Oliver Russell, all the things he's learning, saying, loving.  This little boy is growing so fast and I swear he somehow manages to get cuter

I swear I wouldn't do this with our second child but Oliver is officially a co-sleeper. I never put him in his crib anymore, Eric tries to after he falls asleep but Oliver wakes up as soon as he lays him down, sometimes when they just get to his room. He can be completely passed out and can still tell Eric is trying to take him to his room.  It's a gift. On the rare occasion Eric is able to get him in his crib without Ollie waking up he is awake within the hour and snuggled back in bed next to me. I just love having them lay with us.  I have read articles on it and try to tell Eric about the supposed benefits but he thinks I'm crazy. Truth be told, in our king size I end up practically falling off the side with Elle's feet flung over me and Ollie right next to my face...but I love it.

Oliver can say 
"Mama" - we hear this the most, "mamamamamama"
"Me Me" - he will say this when he wants something
"Goal" - he throws/kicks a ball, puts his hands in the air and says "goal"
"Go" - says this to the dogs all the time when he is eating

Oliver looooves to have books read to him.  He picks one he likes from his room or Elle's and will bring it to you and sit in your lap.  Once the book is over he immediately wants you to read it again...and again...and again...and again. Some of his favorite are "Penguin Gets the Hiccups", "Big Small" and "The Daddy Book". 

Ollie also loves brushing his teeth.  His toothbrush is in our bathroom and anytime he walks in and sees it on the counter he says "Me me me me me" He gets so angry when I have to take his toothbrush from him so it usually ends with some high pitched screaming but the beginning is always fun. :)

My little doodle is turning into a mama's boy...actually he's there. My sweet boy!!
Now, I just need to keep him a mama's boy for-ev-er!!! I'm a complete sucker when it comes to my baby boy, I absolutely adore him. 

Oliver can wave to people and is learning to say "bye"
He can shake his head yes or no and is learning to say "yes"

He smacks his little lips and will give kisses.  One night Elle came over and gave me a kiss and 2 seconds later Ollie was standing in front of me smacking his lips for a kiss.

Oliver isn't great with the word "no". He thinks it's a game.  He loves standing on the fire place, trying to reach the cords under the computer, playing with toilet paper.  The words "Ollie Russ that's a no no" are heard often in our house. :)

He loves playing outside.  These rocks in our front landscaping are his favorite.  He tries to wrangle out of my arms anytime we walk past them to get down and play. 

When he is eating something he likes he dances in his seat. Cutest thing ever!

He loves strawberries, blueberries, spaghetti, lunch meat, cheese, turkey sausage, mashed potatoes, pickles, eggs, pizza, chips or puffs of any kind and the boy will lose his mind if he is thirsty and a drink isn't readily available.

He does not like avocado, bananas, other than corn he isn't huge on vegetables - some days are better than others. 

And that's a few little details about Oliver at about 13 months old. I'm savoring this sweet time before the tantrums kick in. :)

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