Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Merry Mulligan Christmas!

Due to the Hylton family and Will being out with the stomach bug over Christmas we postponed our normal Christmas night celebration to New Years Eve. We all went to Mom and Dad's house to celebrate, open presents and have dinner.

Eric worked the night before so I left a smidge earlier than him so he could get some more sleep and the kids and I ran to the grocery store before heading to my parents house. We were all at my parents house waiting for Eric to arrive and we kept the kids occupied from the mound of presents by trying to get a picture of the 4 of them. 

Look at Ollie hugging Henry! He loves him some Hensy!

Best we could get.  And even T-Babe, the oldest of all the babies managed to sneak into the picture. :) 

This boy kept going over to the stockings and stealing candy canes. I have no idea how much candy he consumed this night but it was a lot. 

This year we tried to somewhat take turns with the kids opening presents so we could all actually see what they were opening. 

By chance this was the first present Ollie opened and it consumed all of his attention for the rest of present opening.

Will is a magnet for these babes.  They all love playing with him!

Ollie wanted to help MawMaw open this present.

After presents it is stocking time!

Henry was nice enough to let Elle try on one of his superhero outfits. 

These two, the best of friends but can fight and bicker like crazy!

Little missy passed out after presents (hallelujah, a nap was much needed) and she actually slept through us eating dinner.  I didn't dare wake her, she needed her rest. :) 

So Ollie enjoyed having his highchair pushed up to the table at Sissy's dinner spot. 

After dinner we opened their tub of clothes for each kid, they played and tried on new clothes, opened toys, colored and we were home and in bed before 10pm. 

As we were laying in bed I got a text from Mary with pictures of the boys baby dolls I got them. They both had tucked them in for bed. :) 

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