Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Life Lately

This post is recapping a ton of pics from around mid September and some of October. Settle in, lots of Elle and Ollie pics coming up!

Elle picked this out in the Target dollar spot and had fun painting it one night.  Another addition to my Halloween decorations! Halloween is quickly becoming my new favorite holiday.

She dressed herself head to toe one morning to head to my mom's house. How cute is she. 

Baby toes are the cutest thing ever!!

Ollie and I enjoying a Starbucks/Target date while Sissy is in school.  He is loving the undivided attention he gets on Tuesday mornings. 

Just a princess hanging out with some of her buddies.

My bath-time baby

Donut holes. Crazy hair. Cartoons.
A happy Ollie boy in the morning. 

Taking Ollie for a ride in her car!
I feel like I was getting a peek into the future.  Lord help me!

Practicing his swing. 

Breakfast with her babies!

The princess dressed herself for dinner at my parents one Sunday.
Sidenote: this is the day Ollie broke his arm. I was unknowingly taking my baby with 2 fractured bones over for lasagna and playing in their backyard. :(

Home from school one Tuesday and dressed as a princess eating lunch! The little puppy dog sitting next to her is Love-va-ver (she named him:).  She picked him out at Target the day after Ollie broke his arm for being so amazing at the hospital.  Ollie picked out a deer and polar bear. :)

He had 1 week in this orange splint.

Popsicles on the front porch!

Just a casual night.  Heading out the door with daddy for a snocone run. :)

Measuring her baby to see how tall she is getting. 
I just adore this girl!!!

The best of friends!

Ollie is in the middle of a huge Toy Story obsession. He gets SO excited when he hears the movie coming on!

Playing at a birthday party, this girl loves the slide at the bounce house place. 

His favorite toys! He flies buzz around and can sit and play with them for so long!

Elle had her preschool assessment. She tested great, her highest was problem solving. Little lady can think and talk herself through a situation!

We are working on number and letter recognition and correlating numbers. So this is one way we practice, with dessert!

Fun days at MawMaw's house.

One night she made us witches stew for dinner. :)

Celebrating Unc's 27th birthday!!

And of course helping him open presents.

These babies love their Uncy!

I can't look at this picture without laughing!

We all headed to Chicago (without the kids) for a Cards/Cubs game.
It was a quick but really fun trip!

When we got back from Chicago on Sunday we took the kids out to dinner and to Home Depot to pick out a Halloween decoration for the front of the house.

I also brought them back these little figurines from the Disney Store.  Elle got Beauty and the Beast and Ollie got Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Smile big baby girl!

Waiting for Sissy to get out of school.

So excited to see each other!

She really wanted to climb a tree so up she went!

Look at Ollie trying to climb!

So at the park he fell on a step that was rusty and to settle my anxiety I knew I would have for the rest of the day I called his doctor to double check that his tetanus shot was up to date. :) 

A small miracle...sleeping in his bed.
That couch is to catch him if he fell...and he did about 30 minutes after this picture was taken. 

Decorating Halloween candies!

I found him walking around in my shoes. :)

Friday dinner at Jersey Mike's.  He wouldn't touch his sandwich but loved the cheetos.

Sissy had a fun night!

Reaching for Halloween candies...always.
And he has entered a faze (hopefully just a faze!) where he falls to the ground and bangs his head on the floor if he doesn't get what he wants. 

Some Saturday morning coloring and movies.

How adorable is she!?!

A night out with my girl to Orange Leaf and Target.  I love one on one time with her and listening to her stories uninterrupted. 

One Friday we had a package waiting for Elle and Ollie from Aunt Colleen when we got home.  They both received a new book! They were SO excited!

Ollie colored on the floor with a marker and was furious when he got it taken away.  This boy loves to color but he can not be trusted! He gets bored with paper almost immediately and moves on to the table, chair, his toes and in this case the carpet.

Dylan's going away party with MiMi. 

My sweetest girl!
She is starting to make her birthday and Christmas list and we are starting to plan her birthday party!  Right now she wants a Unicorn, Flamingo, Princess Costume Party and she wants everyone to come over in a costume.

Also, hearing her say "fla-pingo" is the cutest thing I've ever heard!

While Eric and Elle golfed one day Ollie and I shopped then headed to the park!

They both loved exploring daddy's work after Ollie's appointment to get his cast off.

Finally taking a bath again! He stayed in the tub so long!! This baby was overdue for a good scrub after 4 weeks in a cast.

Octonauts one Friday night at the Fox Theatre. 
The show was just ok, I lost my phone and had to haul the kids back in to find it but Elle and Ollie had fun so that's all the matters.

That's life lately! We are excited for all the Halloween fun coming up this weekend!

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