Monday, February 10, 2014


Since I'm no longer taking monthly photos of Elle I decided to do a monthly picture roundup and recap.  Plus I figured this would be a fun way to remember all the things that occupied our time throughout the year.

You've already heard about the fun we had at Sesame Street Live and Fresh Beat Band so here is how we spent the rest of the month.

Fun times at Grammy & PawPaw's...& Uncle T due to some snow days


We enrolled Elle in a 12 months+ gymnastics class.  She is the youngest in the class and looks so cute and tiny next to all the other kids!  It's a fun little 30 minute class on Saturday mornings where she can burn some energy and mingle with other kids.  At the end of every class each kid gets a stamp, Elle typically asks for stamps on both feet and both hands.  She is so proud of that stamp every week and will show it to anyone willing to look.  Makes me smile every time.

 These are the pics you get when Eric has the camera, blurry & not very many options!

Elle is a pretty talkative little girl for her age.  She has at least 20+ words in her vocabulary and she can identify her toes, fingers, belly, buns, hair, nose, eyes and ears.  We are so proud of our smart girl!

Elle has started to request wearing her tu-tu from her birthday party around the house.  Not always, just when the mood strikes.

She still refers to puppies as "Abba" (we have no idea where this came from.  She is able to say "pup pup" but still calls them Abba).  When she wakes up in the morning she is so excited to see them.  Elle loves to help us let the puppy dogs outside. She stands at the door and watches them or holds onto their leash. Apparently she has also heard us tell them "No!" about 5,000 times because she will now do the same when they are doing something they shouldn't be. 



 Another milestone was drinking from a straw.  She has Elmo & Sophia the First sippy cups with a straw and they are by far her favorite cups.  Elle is also quite fond of tea-time now.  She received a cute little teapot for her birthday from Uncle Wade, Aunt Julie & has been a big hit in our house.


This month we have been really bad about bringing her in our bed.  She starts the night in her crib but about 90% of the time she wakes up at some point in the night to sleep with us.  She is a mama's girl during the day but at night daddy gets all the snuggles.

We still hold her during all naps (note to self break this habit immediately with any future child).  It would be nice to have that time on the weekend to get things done but I love that she still likes to snuggle up next to us.

We had our niece, Harper's Baptism this month.  Eric is her very proud Godfather.  Unfortunately I have zero pictures of Harper from the day. :(  I did snap these of Elle before we left for church.  She was running around and was so playful, I swear she knew how adorable she looked.
Waving at a puppy outside


We had a sick little girl this month (just a common cold) but still hard to see her miserable.

We finally baby-proofed our kitchen.  Elle hasn't shown much interest in exploring the kitchen cabinets.  She was starting to open and close the doors every once in awhile so we took that as a sign it was time.  The first day she was a little confused but honestly she hasn't really tried to open them since.  I'm beginning to think we could have gotten by without it.  Better to be safe than sorry though.

For my New Year's Resolution I'm trying to complete one thing house related every month.  I read home design blogs every single day but rarely find the time to do actual updates to my own house (besides shopping for decor at Homegoods & Target :).  A friend of mine at work is doing the same thing so we are holding each other accountable each month.  It doesn't have to be anything big...just something.  January's update was about 3 years in the making.  I purchased these chairs from Craigslist about 3 years ago, primed them about 2 years ago and finally finished painting them last year.  In January I finally reupholstered the seats.  And here is my lovely assistant Eleanor modeling the finished product.

And that's a glimpse at our January. :)


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