Friday, July 19, 2013

4th of July

We kicked off the 4th of July fun on Wednesday night at my parents house.  We had a BBQ and then walked up to the O'Fallon Fair (prime people watching opportunity!).  It was the first time the babes were in their double stroller together...can you tell how much fun they're having?!

My dad was the only fun one who would pose here!

Elle fell asleep fairly quickly on the walk over.  She woke up briefly so I rushed to have her ride the carousel but she fell asleep again as soon as we got on.  We opted for a bench so my sweet girls nap wasn't interrupted. 

We ended up walking home before the fireworks.  My parents house has a great view from their driveway and we didn't know how Elle would react to the sounds...spoiler alert: she could care less. :)  Apparently the blender is terrifying but fireworks are no big deal.

On Thursday we woke up early to get a good spot at the O'Fallon parade.  It was hot and the babes patience started wearing out.  Once the parade started everything was good, Henry loved seeing the "big trucks" and Elle once again fell asleep (this girl can sleep anywhere!). 

After the parade it was pool time for the babes.  This was their first time being in the baby pool together.  Henry loved it, he was constantly going down the slide.  Elle on the other hand was not a fan of the splashing.  She proved to be a baby pool diva and insisted the splashing be kept to a bare minimum, poor Hen!

Both the babes (and their mama's) took a long nap after pool time.  We spent the rest of the night hanging out at mom and dad's.  We watched the fireworks from their house and Elle had her fist bath in Grammy's sink.  We went all out this holiday! ;)


On Saturday we went to Uncle Bob's for a BBQ and stopped by my Grandma & Grandpa's house to walk around.  I hadn't been there in years, the last time I was inside was when my Grandma was still living there.  Every time I see the front door I think of Grandma running out with bug hugs as soon as we would pull into the driveway.  I'm so glad we ended up stopping.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Adventures in Babysitting

We had a very special visitor at our house a few weeks ago...Henny Hoo!!!

Mary and Nick had a concert to go to so we were the lucky ones who got to watch the babe for the night.

Elle LOVES her cousin Henry, she thinks he is the funniest little boy around....and she's right, he is!  Henry was such a good boy all night, he was in the best mood.  Henry ate all his dinner so of course I had to give this sweet boy dessert.  I want this little babe to know he can have whatever he wants at Kay Kay's house!

After dinner Henry found a pair of Elle's sunglasses and one of her bows so he brought them to me because he wanted to wear them.  He stood still and smiled to have his picture taken, he is such a ham! 

Bedtime for this little boy came way too soon.  He is constantly on the move so I was happy to get to enjoy some sleepy Henny cuddles before Mary and Nick stopped by to pick him up.

Seester, please plan another date night ASAP so we can enjoy another night with Hen!

6 Months

Elle will be 7 months on Friday so I guess it's time I finally publish this post!

My little Eleanor is officially half a year old.  Bittersweet for sure.

Blowing bubbles with her mouth, one of her new favorite things :)

It seems like she had a huge growth spurt overnight.  We went from 6 month clothing being a little big to ummm I need to squeeze her in this if I ever want her to wear this adorable outfit!

First time in the pool at Grammy & PaPa's!

Her BIG puppy dog at Grammy & PaPa's house

6 month highlights:
- takes binky in and out of mouth
- takes a few steps in her walker (mostly backwards)
- almost completely sitting up by herself
- loves playing in the bath
- loves Sofie the giraffe (so does Henry, Sofie is a popular lady!)
- loves biting my fingers
- first trip to the zoo!
- Baptized
- sleeps on her side
- loves pulling a blanket or bib over her face to fall asleep
- rubs eyes when tired
- eating: rice cereal, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, mango
- favorite food: carrots
- not a fan of mango
- lots of giggles
- startled very easily by loud noises (garage door opener, Eric blowing his nose, toilet flushing, blender)

First time in a highchair at a restaurant

Tornado sirens = sleeping in mom & dad's room :)

LOVES her cousin Henny!

If the first 6 months have gone by this fast, I can't imagine how fast the next 6 will go.  I've got a birthday party to start planning!!!

Cardinals diaper!
