Thursday, September 12, 2019

Paddy's Baptism/E.R. Visit

Sweet little Patrick was Baptized one Sunday. He was so cute in church...

Then we headed to Will & Paige's house for lunch.

I was sitting upstairs in the living room, Patrick had just finished opening his presents when I heard crying coming from downstairs.

I opened up the door to the basement and saw Eric walking up with a crying Ollie who had a pretty busted up nose. He had been playing in the playroom and from what we can put together from the other kids he was in a wagon, got a push and fell forward face first into the corner of a shelf.

After about 10 minutes of trying to get him to calm down, putting ice on it, having Will examine his nose I decided it was time to head to the hospital to have it looked at. 

Here we are in the waiting room waiting to be seen. Ollie had calmed down at this point...

and Elle was basically big sister of the decade. She sat and drew him pictures of his favorite Toy Story characters then went with Eric to the cafeteria to get Ollie some snacks.

This girl has too much experience waiting in E.R.'s for Ollie possibly breaking a bone (this was our 3rd time). 

This boy was an angel. Truly. 
He watched a movie on Eric's phone and completely cooperated when the doctor came in.

When the doctor first walked in the room he looked at Oliver and did a quick look at his nose and said "it's broken". I started SOBBING. The doctor looked at me so confused and just said, "no. don't cry." 

Try and stop me. It's impossible.

Soon we were headed for xrays. Ollie chatted with the guy wheeling us down the entire time. When the nurse asked Ollie how this happened to his nose Ollie just said, "Charlie did it" which the nurse thought was pretty funny.

During the xrays he did awesome and asked so many questions. 
"Why is the machine so big? Who made it?"

After xrays the doctor came in and told us the cartilage around his nose was broken but the actual bone did not break. #hallelujah

We ended up at Stefanina's after the hospital to get our boy some toasted ravioli. My mom and dad met us there (with gifts for Ollie)...and somehow after everything he went through his day got worse. He fell out of his chair and spilled super hot marinara sauce all over his hands, face and chest. It was just the worst day for my Ollie.

Here are some pictures of how his eye & nose looked for the next couple of weeks. 

We had a follow-up appointment with his pediatrician and after making sure he could move air through both nostrils for 2 weeks he was cleared and no ENT appointment was necessary. 

Can we just take it easy for a little while, Ols? 

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