Friday, March 3, 2017


My Oliver Russell is 2.

He is the biggest blessing to our family. So funny, full of hugs and kisses and too darn cute for his own good!

He is our picky eater, he can go one week barely eating anything and then eat everything on his plate the next week.  His favorite foods are pizza, turkey sausage, cheese (he could eat nothing but cheese and be happy), puffs, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, fries and any and all sweets.  If he see any type of cookie he will grab your hand, lead you to them and say "tookie?".

He will tolerate blueberries, strawberries, corn and broccoli (if he can dip it in ketchup).

He is saying so many new words and will repeat so much of what we say.  
Some of the words that he says repeatedly are:

"bebe"  - anytime he sees a baby on TV
"Woody" and "Buzz" - his two most favorite toys
"ahhhh" - he puts his little hands on his cheeks and screams when he wants to watch Home Alone
"bye" - he will wave and blow kisses
"tookie" - cookie
"non non" - doughnut
"hand" - he wants to take your hand and lead you to whatever he wants
"guys" - he refers to most of his toys as guys
"peas" - please
"I scared" - after he saw a scary cat in Secret Life of Pets

He loves his Sissy....loooooves her!

This boy loves to cuddle! He has never taken to a lovey like Elle did, his version of a comfort item is a shirt.  Whoever he is cuddling with will most likely experience Ollie putting his little toes in their shirt.

When I go to my parents house to pick him up after work he always starts crawling to me a growling like a monster.

He will roar if he sees a lion, tiger, bear, monster in a book or movie.

He gives the best hugs! He clings to my neck so tight!

He plays great in his room (or Elle's) but will drop whatever he is doing and run as fast as he can and hop on the couch if he hears the Disney opening music to a movie. 

He is my brave one.  Loves to swing, be thrown in the air, go down slides.

He is the most special little boy and I love him with all my heart. He is a mama's boy through and through and I hope it stays that way forever.  

How lucky am I to be this amazing little boys mommy?  

I love you to the moon and back, Oliver Russell.  As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. 

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