Friday, September 23, 2016

A Broken Arm

My sweet Ollie has a broken arm.  I truly still can't believe that I have a 19 month old with a broken arm.  The mom guilt set in DEEP.

I was folding laundry on our couch one Sunday.  Eric was golfing, Elle was playing and Ollie climbed up on the couch next to me.  He normally tries to either sit by me or when he is a bit hyper he tries to jump/fling himself off of it.  Well this day he stood behind me hugging me. My word how I love this sweet boy.  

I have no idea if he stopped hugging me and turned around and fell off the back of the couch or if he climbed off it and fell...but either way he fell hard.  I immediately jumped up and ran to the back of the couch to grab him.  He cried hard but settled down and he didn't want to leave my lap.  I thought he was just scared.  After about 30 minutes he fell asleep on my lap. When he woke up from his nap he was still fussy so I set him down, made him walk to me, I kept feeling his shoulders to see if he was in pain, he legs and shoulders were both fine. So that night we went to my parents house for dinner, he ate great but was still just really fussy. After dinner and some playing Eric noticed he wouldn't throw a ball or use his right hand so off to the emergency room we went.

A bag of Doritos from the vending machine and a movie kept him pretty calm at the hospital but any nurse or doctor even touching him made him so angry! 

After xrays (this was no fun) they told us both bones in his arm were fractured. (Picture me sobbing). 
Ollie did so great with everything though! Here he is with his temporary splint.

Not only was Oliver a complete trooper but so was Elle.  Girlfriend was going on no nap and was amazing waiting in the hospital until 10pm. I went with Ollie for xrays and just generally didn't leave his side and she totally understood that's what I needed to do. She hung out with Eric, let him take her for bathroom breaks...just little things she would normally insist I do she didn't even question why I couldn't. I was so so proud of my sweet girl this night. 

Home from the hospital in his little hospital gown brushing his teeth. 

The next morning.
He never seemed to be in any pain after the day of the break. 

They told us to try to make him wear this sling...yeah that was a complete failure.  He could wiggle out of that in no time flat. 

The next Friday we went to Cardinal Glennon for an orthopedic doctor to review his xrays and get his cast put on.

Again if any doctor or nursed touched him he was so angry. And getting the cast put on was a complete circus. I was holding him, Eric was holding his phone with Hotel Transylvania 2 playing and holding his legs down so he would stop kicking the lady. There were 2 ladies trying to get the cast on and one started blaring Disney music from her phone in the hopes of calming him down. Ollie just screamed.

When they were done he just clung to me. 
Look how red he is from all that screaming.  He was a sweaty, tear stained mess!

And now life is pretty much back to normal.  He is back to climbing anything he can find, he tries to use his right arm but is predominately using his left for now.

Bath time is a nightmare, he is not a fan of having his arm wrapped in plastic bags but the cast comes off October 11th so we will survive!

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