Thursday, June 4, 2015

March 2015

March is a blur.  I was running on little to no sleep (Oliver was waking up almost every 2 hours) and was in the midst of binge watching Parenthood on Netflix.  Instead of napping when they napped I was watching Parenthood.  Instead of falling right back asleep at 3am I was watching Parenthood.  I was so sad to get to the end of the series but it was best for my sanity. :)

Elsa stopped by our house one day. :)

This girl has no idea how to ride her scooter so she basically just stands on it.

Oliver smiles!! This was right after his one month checkup.  I told the doctor he was smiling already and she didn't believe me.  She said intentional smiles don't happen until around 2 months but these were intentional, mommy was being funny.  He's just a happy baby. :)

With Oliver being so little March was filled with many days spent inside the house trying to entertain ourselves.  At the end of the month we started venturing out for walks on nice days and a couple shopping trips.  I never thought I would be excited to go to the grocery store, with 2 babes none the less. :)  The picture below is my first trip out by myself with both babes.  We went to Schnucks and Oliver woke up the second we got there...starving.  He had just ate before we left but decided he was hungry again.  This trip did not go smoothly.  I quickly grabbed some fruit, bread, lunch meat and milk and got out of there...but not before hearing a lady at the checkout next to me loudly proclaim "that baby sounds too little to be out and about" as Oliver was screaming his head off.  I thought I may jump over the checkout belt and rip her head off.  If looks could kill this lady would be a goner.

While these 2 spent two weeks exploring Ireland we had several facetime calls.  Elle was amazed that they were staying in a castle (we told her it was Elsa's castle so that really up'ed the excitement) but was so worried about them coming face to face with a snow-monster.  She would ask about snow monsters every time we talked to them.  Since Frozen on Ice snow-monsters have been a big fear.

We fell into a nice little routine while I was on maternity leave.  So much so that Elle started saying "mommy doesn't work anymore!".  We had this conversation one day...and it broke my heart.

Eleanor: "Mommy, I love you"
Mommy: "I love you too!"
Eleanor: "I cry when you go to work"

It's a good thing I still had several weeks off still when this took place or I don't think I would have ever been able to go back to work.

Elle has stools all over the house.  One in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and one in her room that helps her get into bed and also doubles as a timeout stool.  She moves this little white one all over the house.  This is her timeout spot.

Oliver is quite content spending his days either napping on me, eating, napping on his boppy pillow or swinging.  He was still in newborn clothes through March so I feel like he was constantly wearing the same outfits and sleepers.  We received several hand-me-downs from the Voss boys but Voss babies don't wear newborn sized clothes.  They jump right into 3 months. :)  I figured he would go through a huge growth spurt over night so I held off on buying more newborn sized clothing but that little stinker held out until mid April before he could somewhat fit in 0-3 without him looking homeless.  He's a long and skinny little boy.

Mommy: "Are you a wild child?"  Eleanor: "No, I'm an angel"

Mommy: "Come here chicken buns"
Eleanor: "No, I Eleanor.  Chicken buns is food.  I'm Eleanor Bailey Hylton...and your Katie"
For the record we have never ate chicken buns. :)

Elle has done really well transitioning to having a little brother.  She loves him so much!  Some days he definitely receives more attention than others and there is still the occasional day where she tells me to put him down but overall she has done so well!

It's hard to tell but these two were sleeping the exact same way.

I love baby toes.

We had a fun day playing at the Voss house one day during Mary's spring break.  After lunch Mary took Elle and Henry outside to play and I stayed inside while Oliver and Bear napped.  Bear woke up while Oliver was still sleeping so we cuddled...

Then Oliver woke up and all hell broke loose. :)

Elle always asks us to make lovey hats or shoes, which basically just means wrapping her lovey around her foot or her head.

Bath time for Oliver!

One night after Oliver's bath I was in his room getting him in his pj's and came out to Elle giving her monster a bath.  She is my mini-me. :)

A picnic in the park with Mary and the boys.

And a picnic at home with mommy. :)

By some miracle I was able to get her to sit long enough for braids.

There is nothing Elle loves more than a day at the park. She won't go down the slides, but the girl loves a rock wall.

She fought her nap all day then finally crawled in Oliver's swing and passed out.

This little stinker had about a week in March where he was super fussy between 9-midnight.  Thankfully it didn't last long.  This night I was able to get him to pass out in my bed and was terrified to move him.  I finally did after he was in a deeeeep sleep.

I love walking around the house and seeing the little scenarios Elle has her toys set up in.

And that's our March in a 500 picture recap. :)

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