Tuesday, May 6, 2014


April is one of my favorite months, not just because it's the month of my birthday.  I love the colors and the weather when it cooperates. Nice days aren't taken for granted since your just coming out of winter.  Between our trip to Chicago, Easter and celebrating my birthday the month just flew by.

A stomach bug hit Eric and my mom so Elle got to spend a fun day with MiMi, Henry and Charlie!

Elle is still really loving her baby dolls.  We change their diapers a lot as she insists that they have pooped. 

We are still in the middle of her Elmo obsession.  Our bedtime routine consists of watching the same episode of Sesame Street (Grandparent's Day).  It's really Elmo heavy at the beginning so it holds her attention.  She falls asleep every night in our bed, sometimes I carry her over to her crib once she's sleeping, sometimes I just let her cuddle in bed with me all night. :)

She enjoys trying on my wedding ring...

One of Elle's favorite things is playing with our phones.  I have the cutest video of her having an imaginary phone conversation with Mary.  It's so cute how she paces around and uses her hand while talking.  She also uses my phone to take pretend pictures of herself.  She lifts the phone above her head and says "cheese!".

She still loves to help me feed and let the puppies outside.  One of my most favorite things is how she talks to the dogs, she is very serious when telling them "no!" to things they shouldn't be doing.



These days she can say almost anything or at least she tries. :)  She's slowly starting to string words together.  Her first case of doing this was "Henny Doctor Hotdog".  One day when Henry was being extra silly he referred to himself as doctor hotdog. #crazycousinHenry  When Eric is being silly she says "dad-eeeeee", it's adorable.

Elle is still a great eater although she is starting to have her days where she doesn't eat the greatest at a meal.  It maybe happens once a week.  Some of her favorite foods right now are string cheese, bananas, grapes, yogurt covered raisins, chicken hot dogs (just rolled up deli lunch meat, MawMaw started the trend of calling them hot dogs), Pirate's Booty (a baked somewhat healthier version of cheese puffs) and Mac & Cheese (I try to buy the organic Annie's brand which makes me feel better about her mac n cheese love). And she loves just about any treat known to man...kitkat's, M&M's, cookies...all big hits with Roni.

We have been working on manners, if I ask her "What do you say?" she knows to say "Please" and will say "thank you" but needs to be reminded. :) She also loves pointing out any kind of mess, even if she's the one who made it.

If you ask her who's girl she is, she always says "PawPaw" :)

One of her favorite ways of playing is to vacuum.  She has her little mini vacuum and she wants me to get out our big one and we pick a room to clean.  She loves it and I love a freshly vacuumed room so no complaints on my end.

This is how Elle and MawMaw share a cup of yogurt :)

This little girl is growing up so fast...too fast.  She's turning into a big girl and I know times with baby Eleanor are coming to an end soon. I truly love each stage more than the next but I hate how quick each one goes by.  I get a lump in my throat each time I pack away clothes from her closet that are too small and know that those clothes she's waiting to grown into at the end of her closet will one day look so tiny to me. I'm beginning to understand why my mom would always cry at big milestones, it's not always easy watching your baby grow up...but it sure is fun. :)

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