Friday, March 14, 2014


This past Wednesday we headed over to the Voss house to hang with our 2 favorite boys, munch on some dinner & cookies (silly Kay Kay brought vanilla cookies and Henry informed me he only likes chocolate), smooch on Charlie and chat.  As soon as our little dinner date was planned Henry asked if Elle could stay and take a "bathtub" with him.  Sure, why not!

Bubbles, toys and splashes galore were enjoyed.  Towards the end of the bath Henry told us he had to go to the bathroom, we told him to hold it hold it hold it until Mary could wash the shampoo out of his hair...he couldn't or maybe just didn't want to hold it.  So we drained the tub (shampoo still in Elle's hair) and she stood up shivering while I rinsed her hair.  She played it totally cool, you would never know she was devising a plan for payback.

We took the babes to Henry's room where he ever so cutely got out a red pair of his pj's and gave them to Elle to wear for the night (!!!) I think he thought they were having a slumber party.  Once I showed him I brought Minnie Mouse pj's for Elle he settled on wearing his Mickey pj's to match.  I stood Elle up to get ready to put a diaper on her and turned around for literally 1 second, when I turned back around she had peed on the floor of Henry's room.  Payback!

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